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Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) - is a medium-sized plant with tiny reddish flowers and arrow-shaped leaves that grows to a height of 3 or 4 inches to one foot. The female flowers are maroon in color.
Sheep Sorrel is a very strong antioxidant plant which helps strengthen the immune system, and its leaves are high in vitamin C. Sheep sorrel is a popular ingredient of many folk remedies ...
Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella)
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What is Magic Meadow?
The web site, "Magic Meadow - Natural Herbs and Organics", and its corresponding blog, Magic Meadow Herbs, is a labor of love that reflects a life-long passion for the outdoors, natural living, wild and medicinal plants, self-sufficiency, and compassion and respect for all life.
"Magic Meadow" is the name I gave to the secret meadow that I visited as a small girl, where I used to find so much ...
Intro to Magic Meadow Herbs
GMO Food Allergies
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Could your allergies be caused by genetically modified foods?
In the last twenty years, there has been an epidemic increase in allergies, asthma, auto-immune disorders, ADHD, and autism, Today, it is estimated that 20% of American children have allergies, and that there has been a:
*400% increase in food allergies
*300% increase in asthma, with a 56% increase in asthma deaths, and a
*400% increase in ADHD ...